

Rojal is a publishing project started in the spring of 2014 by the book binder and artist Olle Essvik, and the translator and artist Joel Nordqvist ­– for experiments, collaborations, discoveries and distribution of narratives, ideas, objects and images, that have been lost and forgotten, or deemed unfit for larger editions or conventional formats.

Based in a workshop in Gothenburg, Sweden, we produce and publish everything from artists books, to photo books, multiples, theory and fiction, in small, carefully designed and handcrafted editions.


Order by e-mail: (free shipping on orders over 1000 sek/100 euro). We use Paypal, Credit Card, Swish or IBAN.


Göra, Gömma och Förstöra

Joel Nordqvist & Olle Essvik

Pris: 250 sek



Lars Kristensen & Olle Essvik

Pris: 450 sek

Hidden Books/Unerasable Characters I
Winnie Soon

Price: 22 euro


Vindstädningen/The Attic

Olle Essvik

Price: 330/450 sek (two sizes)

(Total edt. 110)

The Computer as Seen at the End of the Human Age

Price: 45 euro/450 sek

(edt. 150 numbered copies)


Anna Nygren

Pris: 250 sek

(edt. 100)



Three Years of...

Helga Härenstam

Pris: 250 sek

(edt. 70 )



You Are Here

Jonas Örtemark & Hanna Östergren

Pris: 250 sek

(edt. 120 )


Nils Olsson

Pris: 220 sek (inklusive frakt)


Capablanca - Alekhine, 1927

Fredrik von Zweigbergk

Price: 150 sek

(edt. 64 SWE/64 ENG)

Eaten Books

Olle Essvik

Price: 450 sek

(each title edt. 4)


Leif Holmstrand och Jonas Örtemark

Pris: 1400 sek (inklusive porto)


The Goldberg variation (Bach clock)

Jesper Norda

Price: 1000 sek

(edt. 20)


Geraldine Juárez
Price: Sold Out

(edt. 100 numbered copies)



Sven Drobnitza
Price: Sold Out

(edt. 120 numbered copies)

  Travelogue/ In My Pocket
Mari Lagerquist
(edt. 1)

Dödens Engel

Johan Olof Wallin
Pris: Sold Out

The Chance Execution

Olle Essvik

Price: 300 sek

(edt. 150 numbered and signed copies)

År med tretton månar, Kennet Klemets

Pris: Sold Out

(edt. 67 numbered and signed copies)

Virtuella Utopier

Olle Essvik och Joel Nordqvist

Pris: 150 sek

Den här datorn

Olle Essvik och Joel Nordqvist (red.)

Price: 150 sek


Elin Liljeblad

Pris: 150 sek

Endless Endtime

Linda Hilfling

Price: Sold Out


Alla hjärtans dag och andra scener

Helga Härenstam
Pris: Sold Out

(edt. 80 numbered and signed)

The Enemies of Books

William Blades/Olle Essvik

Price: Sold Out

(edt. 120)

Välkomna Finska barn!

Pris: 150 sek


Jeff Olsson

Pris: 300 sek (book+poster)

(edt. 120)


Flip books from the hidden corners of the Internet

Olle Essvik

Price: 150 sek (1 book) 200 sek (2 books), 250 sek (3 books)

(edt 1/1 - each book different )

Mörker med glödande kanter

Kennet Klemets och Ola Åstrand

Pris: Sold Out
(edt. 100 numbered copies)



Sara Wallgren

Price: 200 sek


Bruksanvisning för symaskinen Singer Victoria. / Mönster till Singer hålsöm

Price: 250 kr


Bomber, virus, kuriosakabinett

Jonas Ingvarsson
Price: Sold Out

(edt. 120 )


Återkomsten - Bilden, Skolan och Samhället 1968 – 2018

Arne Kockum, Bitte Alling Ode och Ulla Lind (red.)

Pris: 300 sek



Simon Berg

Pris : 200 sek
(edt. 120, <5 copies left)


En bok om en bild

Olle Essvik, Helga Härenstam (red.)

Pris: 200 sek

(edt. 150)


Art & Game Obstruction


Price: 140 sek 





Dead & Alive (2024)
Price: 450 sek


As Olle Essvik and Lars Kristensen suggest, their book Dead & Alive: Reflections on Media / Art is a result of trying to capture the disparate nature of dead media and to present it in yet another edited collection, but within a different casting form. To pursue their book project, they invited a range of international authors including Joanna Zylinska, Sarah Cook, Jesper Olsson among others, who bring different perspectives and approaches to artistic practices, media sociology and technological speculation. At first glance, these disparate contributions to the book might seem out of step, or sometimes even in collision, with each other. In the authors’ words: “Readers of the book will no doubt find this disparity frustrating, or even irritating, but hopefully also exciting and dynamic. Art and technology can intertwine in many different ways, and we wanted to highlight this nature.“


Writers: Annika Gunnarsson, Esther Leslie, Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter, Joanna Zylinska, Rosemary Lee, Cecilia Grönberg & Jonas (J) Magnusson, Jesper Olsson, Sarah Cook, Kristoffer Gansing Jacek Smolicki, Rebecca Rouse, Louise Wolthers









Göra, Gömma och Förstöra (2024)
Joel Norqvist & Olle Essvik & Winnie Soon

Price: 350 sek

Göra, gömma, förstöra (”Make, hide, destroy”) is a three part book about books – books as material, physical objects in an increasingly digital world: a hands-on practical manual on how to make them, using simple, accessible and unexpensive tools, materials, and techniques; an historical survey and equally hands-on account on tried and tested, practical methods for how to destroy them or render them inaccessible or otherwise illegible for potential readers: through art, censorship, iconoclasm, technological progress, negligence, natural disasters, etc.
The book is founded on our decade-long experience of running the experimental artist’s book publishing project ROJAL and written in collaboration with the Hong Kong-born artist and researcher WINNIE SOON, who contributes a section on how to hide sensitive text-based materials online.










Price: 250 sek (70 edt.)


I found myself in an attic. In front of me was a bed with a smile made up of many small deaths. A smiley of flies. I photographed it. Imagined that I was someone or something looking back at an era when there were still people and childhoods. This someone/something was just drifting around looking for dandelions, photographs and other things. Not to investigate whether a civilization could be recreated, but more because there was nothing else to do. The fires had burned, the ice had melted, small and large species had died out. Then I left the wind and the smiley for the next visitor to discover.

A handmade book in an edition of 70 copies. The book consists of 34 color photographs, including: an arm/swan swimming in the dark, a girl behind a gate, a wall with the name HELEN written on it, a shadow with two heads, a cemetery with a lost mitten, and a boy resting in tall grass.






Olle Essvik

Vindstädningen/The Attic
Price: 350 sek (small size, edt. 90: 53 swe/37 eng), 450 sek (big size, edt 20: 10 swe/10 eng)

Memories from an attic cleaning - created from materials and equipment found in the attic.

“The storage space in the attic carries traces and marks of previous tenants – a cross hanging from a beam in the ceiling, paint stains on the floor and a pair of old skis, at some point left behind – the door adorned with numbers and a padlock, protecting against intrusion and baring witness of an owner.”

“There is no more space and a cleaning is necessary to make room for new things. Most of it has been packed in brown boxes and bags, of which I no longer remember the contents. Squeezed in between the boxes and the bags are items still waiting to be organised. Ending up here are the things that were rejected or that belong to another time, hidden away but none the less a part of my story and my life, a collection – a spare saucepan, a tennis racket for future matches, chairs awaiting guests. A remarkable number of the objects have never been used, and will eventually be replaced or thrown away.”




Jonas Örtemark & Hanna Östergren
Price 250 kr

En experimentell ljudbok där Jonas står för målningar och Hanna för ljudsättningar av bilderna.

Andliga och spirituella dimensioner av verkligheten, nya landvinningar i rörelsen mot det osynliga: kemi och psykologi, spöken och politik. Vi graviterar mot ett smutsigt mörker och några scener blir synliga: vart är vi på väg

Med avstamp i Annie Besants (tillhörande Teosofiska Samfundet) teorier och praktiska sessioner i syfte att manifestera de osynliga aspekterna av livet, som känslor, intentioner och tankar för att sedan transkribera dem till bilder, tänker vi oss ett teoretiskt system som ordnar och lyfter fram samtida frågor om politik och samhälle. Genom bilderna upprättas ett universum bestående av en begränsad repertoar av symboliska objekt, eller en medvetet kryptisk motivsfär med titlar som inte fungerar som förklarande manualtexter, utan snarare ackompanjerar en meningsbärande osäkerhet som återfinns i bildernas smutsiga mörker. / Jonas Örtemark

Besants och Leadbeaters bok Thought Forms (1905) anses vara en viktig inspirationskälla till det framväxande avantgardets riktning mot den abstrakta konsten och lär även ha inspirerat Hilma af Klint.  

Författaren och konstnären Jonas Örtemark har släppt ett flertal böcker på förlag som Drucksache, Bonniers, och Holmstrand böcker.
Hanna Östergren har en lång karriär inom musik, bla som Laughing Eye (Höga Nord), samt i band som Träden (Träd Gräs och Stenar), Hills, DJINN mm.



Anna Nygren

Pris 250 kr

Boken PYSSEL består av:
1. en essä: ett slags personlig-poetisk, filosofisk-fragmentarisk text, om barndom-barnslighet, psykisk sjukdom, textil, text, text-textil, hur det går att relatera till material, möjligheter och omöjligheter, relationer genom görande, hur det kan filosoferas kring textil och textila material, texter som beskrivs med textilmetaforer, vad metaforen gör med materialet, metaforiskt våld, våld inom vården, natur och nation och motstånd, med mera.

2. en kalkering/avritning av Annas första litterära alster ”Min sagomix 2000” – det gick inte att göra en inscanning, och tänker att jag istället ritar av varje sida, tänker att det också är något med avritandet som jag älskar, att kopiera, som i ett kloster innan tryckpressen, och valet av vad som kopieras för hand.

Det tvådelade verket är placerat inuti en slöjdpåse, eventuellt tillsammans med Surprise.


Pysslet som rör sig mellan det barnsliga och det (textil-)konstnärliga, mellan terapin och (hem-)slöjden. Pysslet som rör sig i ett gränsland mellan det anarkikreativa (typ ett slags konst som inte riktar sig mot en marknad) och ett slags härmande tradition (hemslöjden och att följa mönster). Pysslet som ett sätt att få barnen att lugna ner sig, en avledande manöver. Pysslet som ska få den deprimerade, ångestladdade eller psykotiska patienten på andra tankar, eller som ska lugna tankarna, ta bort tankarna – och samtidigt: samtalet som kan komma igång i det separatistiska rum som syjuntan är. Och syslöjden: att ta symaskinskörkort och sy östergötland-runt på ett stencilerat papper för att lära sig använda maskinen. Det onödiga i pysslet.








Hidden Books / Unerasable Characters I
Winnie Soon

Price: Tool + random selection of prints: 22 euro + shipping, Tool (use link below to print yourself): 20 euro + shipping /


This DIY book is a part of the artwork Unerasable Characters I, by the Hong Kong-born artist coder and
researcher Winnie Soon, containing predictive/output data from machine learning processes, based on 54064
sample censored posts, collected from Weibo and Weiboscope during a one year period, from June 2021 until
June 2022.

By using free and open source software and libraries, DIY book binding tools and computational publishing
(html to print), Unerasable Characters explores the commons: infrastructure of (generative) erasure, creating its
own form of Do It Yourself approach as a way to rethink erasure beyond deletion, especially through building
solidary and generating alliances.

When text is no longer fixed and restricted but generative and malleable like water, what forms of meanings,
relations, marks and traces have been altered, and what have emerged?

Inspired by community movements like “white paper protest” and “blank paper revolution” , the book is meant
to be generative yet unreadable to circumvent censorship.

The project asks: is this a forbidden book? 


Winnies art project recevied 2023 the well known digital art prize, Prix Ars Electronica!

More about the artwork Unerasable Characters I:
Link to the source:

Hidden Books is a reusable tool developed by Olle Essvik/rojal for gathering and binding disparate, found,
collected, computer generated, digital, transient, potentially censored or private, material into a semi-
permanent, adaptable book form. Pages can be added or removed, or the entire contents be exchanged at any
time. The tool can also be used as a simple instrument for making more permanent, glue bound editions of
collected materials.








Capablanca - Alekhine, 1927

Fredrik von Zweigbergk

(edt. 64 SWE/ 64 ENG)

Price: 150 kr




The Computer as Seen at the End of the Human Age

Price: 45 euro/450 sek + shipping

The title of the book, The Computer as Seen at the End of the Human Age, is a reference to the exhibition “The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age”, curated by Pontus Hultén for MoMA in 1968, highlighting how technology was influencing art at a time when mechanical machines were increasingly replaced by electronic and chemical devices. Through its selection of contemporary art works the exhibition thus came to function as a recording of technological history.

I never got to see the exhibition since I wasn’t born at the time, but a couple of years ago I came across a curious book with a tin cover. The book was published in connection to the exhibition, and the history recorded between its covers ends at approximately the same time that early computers start to make their way into the art world. In the fifty years that followed, art came to be marked by a digital presence.  

It was that book, along with an interest in dead media, and a curiosity for art aided by algorithms, that sparked the idea for The Computer as Seen at the End of the Human Age.

Here you will encounter new works by a selection of artists, specifically invited to use algorithms/AI to contribute to a continuous, self-reproducing, anachronistic, machine aided recording of history. A way to preserve, revise and/or comment upon digital history from the vantage point of present-day technology or through the lens of imagined future media, perspectives and technologies.

The works have been created specifically for the book. Some are based on works by other artists, made in another era, repurposed for our time and technologies. Others are based on redundant technologies, revived and given new functions. Some adopt a critical or political approach to the algorithm and its impact on society. Several utilize it as an opportunity to create unique works for each separate copy of the edition. Thousands of files eventually compiled into 200 unique books, each with a different cover and different contents – generated, aided or influenced by algorithms.


Participating artists: Geraldine Juárez, Cornelia Sollfrank/Winnie Soon, Mishka Henner, Shane Hope, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Rosa Menkman, Rosemary Lee, Olle Essvik, Evan Roth, Jonas Lund, Darsha Hewitt, Carl-Johan Rosén, Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter and Jacek Smolicki.

Editor: Olle Essvik





Nils Olsson
Pris: 220 sek (inkl frakt)


”r” står för redaktör, redigera, redaktionell. ”r” betecknar aktiviteten att samla in, bearbeta och distribuera – språk, yttranden, texter, material. ”r” betecknar den gestalt som hanterar det som redan finns och som ger det ny mening i nya konstellationer. ”r” är namnet på en funktion som ofta förminskats genom att kallas författare.

Litteraturen har under lång tid (men inte alltid) setts som frukten av en enskild individs kreativitet, ingivelse och (i bästa fall) originalitet. Men litteraturen har alltid varit en fråga om återvinning i en eller annan bemärkelse – av berättelser, former, motiv och teman; av konkret språkmateria; av bokstavliga objekt. ”r” är titeln på en publikation som ställer frågan om vad som händer om vi väljer att förstå litteraturen som en redaktionell konstform. Litteraturen som en plats där produktion och distribution inte enkelt kan särskiljas; där skapandet inte sker ur intet utan genom att saker sammanställs; där författaren är en kollektiv storhet.


Det handlar i lika hög grad om tillvaron i en post-digital skriftkultur, som om identifierandet av redaktionella aspekter hos historiska texter.

”r” är ingressen till en teori om hur litterära konstverk kan läsas med en annan blick än den som reducerar genom att identifiera. ”r” är en essä om bland annat Carl Jonas Love Almqvist och Walter Benjamin. ”r” är ett aggregat och ett distributionssystem – som fortsätter att redigeras.




Eaten Books

Olle Essvik
Price: 450 sek (AInsects + Eaten Books)


The Eaten Book

The insect is moving over book pages, eating its way through the book, page by page in a slow animation. When the whole book has been eaten the insect moves on to the next. Thus a selection of books, important to our culture and civilisation, is disintegrated as the insects erase the lines through their movements. In the end, all that is left are small fragments of text and the traces of the insect’s movements. The animation keeps going for half a year, after which the consumed pages are printed and bound into a library of erased books with little else than the titles remaining.


A book from the 18th century with the title Atlas de Insectes containing detailed illustration of insects. As the book is scanned the illustrations on the opposite side of the page shine through the paper.
The insects are cut up into their component parts (Wings, Body, Head, Rod), that are then fed into an AI, that through a chance process reassembles them into millions of new, made up insect species. Thus a new Atlas is developed, overlaid by the shadows of the original – as if a future AI was trying to understand life on earth.



Titels (More titles to come..)

(In an edition of 20 (sold out))

(In an edition of 4 (Most of them Sold Out. Ask for available titles)

1984, ORWELL
PLAYBOY INDEX, 1989-1993











Bruksanvisning för symaskinen Singer Victoria. / Mönster till Singer Hålsöm

Pris: 250 kr


A remake and a new version of Åke Hodells famous artists book Bruksanvisning för symaskinen Singer Victoria.
A second book is made a remake of the book Mönster till Singer Hålsöm






Leif Holmstrand och Jonas Örtemark

Pris: 1500 sek (inkl. porto )

Svalget är en stor experimentbok som växt fram ur en sväljande, inkorporerande, hejdlöst glupsk hållning som författarna Jonas Örtemark och Leif Holmstrand anammat under ett drygt decenniums arbete.


Halvcitat från samtidens nätgräl, recept, bloggar och ilskna diskussionstrådar har muterat, bearbetats och fogats samman med drömska visioner, förgrenande berättelser, poesi, ytterst prosaiska utspel och rytmiserade cut-up-kollage. Allt är smuts, sorg och gluphunger, allt är vackert och roligt.


Jonas Örtemarks och Leif Holmstrands föregående litterära samarbete, Darger Reviderad (Drucksache Förlag), hade liknande men mildare anspråk, och lindade dessa anspråk försiktigt kring den mytonspunne konstnären Darger och dennes imaginära flickfamilj. Den nya boken, Svalget, tror sig kunna äta upp hela den mänskliga civilisationen med sin ogenomtänkta bebismun.


Boken inkluderar en orginalteckning av Jonas Örtemark.











Mörker med glödande kanter

Kennet Klemets och Ola Åstrand
Pris: (sold out)

Svartvita fotocollage varvas med korta meningar och längre textsjok i ett mörkt, uppsplittrat och rytmiskt flöde. Ett trevande, maniskt försök att få fotfäste, att fånga och väga en omvärld som hela tiden är för nära, för avlägsen, skymd, överbelamrad eller uttömd – för att nå fram till något, en fast punkt, en insikt, en flyktig känsla av lugn och klarhet, oregelbundna andningspauser.


Boken är formgiven av rojal förlag och tillverkad för hand i en begränsad upplaga på hundra numrerade exemplar.












Sara Wallgren
Price: 200 sek

Boken innehåller en mängd verkbilder, samt två längre texter på svenska/engelska av Getrud Sandqvist och Thomas Millroth.









Geraldine Juárez
Book 140 * 140 mm, [52 pages][100 copies]
Price: (sold out)


Flux until Sunrise is a book documenting a material exploration of our Liquid Crystal Epoque through the production of screenware and screen-glazes for ceramics. Screen-glazes use LCD screen waste from computers and smartphones as glass former component instead of silica and frits. The book includes an interview with Esther Leslie about Materialismo Mágico and screen-glaze recipes for ceramics. 






Flip books from the hidden corners of the Internet

Olle Essvik
Price: 150 sek (1 book) 200 sek (2 books), 250 sek (3 books)

I'm looking for movies on Youtube with few or no visitors, webcams at eventless times. In most cases, I am the only visitor. Sometimes the filmmaker does not even know that the movie was uploaded, an incorrect button press. Movies that sometimes are there for a short while, disappear. Webcams from tourist resorts off season, construction sites, municipal webcams that monitor traffic or someone trying their new mobile phone.

A flashing traffic light from a webcam somewhere in Colorado, recorded 03.45.15-03.45.35
A birthday party in Sarajevo, 2 visitors 23.16.15-23.16.35
A surveillance camera outside a strip club in Thailand, 1 visitor 13.16.15-13.16.35
A gull flying past a camera in Denmark 0 visitors 13.16.15-13.16.35
A flagpole on a parking lot in Hamburg, 0 visitors 17.15.25-17.15.55

I wrote a program that recorded the movies and transferred them into pictures, and later made into thousands of hand-bound unique flip books









Jonas Ingvarsson
Book 145 * 205 mm, [212 pages][100 copies]

Price: sold out


I boken BOMBER, VIRUS, KURIOSAKABINETT. TEXTER OM DIGITAL EPISTEMOLOGI samlas texter som har gemensamt avsikten att belysa konceptet »digital epistemologi». Utgångspunkten här är att »det digitala» inte ska förstås enbart som något som är knutet till särskilda verktyg och objekt. »Det digitala» inom till exempel humaniora är inte bara databaser och big data, topic modelling och spekulativa visualiseringar; ej heller är objekten begränsade till dataspel, andra elektroniska verk eller till litteratur och konst som explicit relaterar till datorisering eller andra digitala aspekter.


Detta perspektiv har kommit att väcka ett antal frågor. Hur kan litterära former i tryckt text spegla eller relateras till en digital närmiljö? På vilket sätt skiljer sig de digitala verktygen och uttrycken under 1960-talet till vår tids ubika system – och vad kan det få för konstnärliga effekter? Är vår tids uppenbara fascination för konstens och textens materialitet en effekt av eller reaktion mot en tilltagande digitalisering? Vad har kuriosakabinett, emblem och pertinensprinciper att göra i analysen av samtida digitala uttrycksformer?


I samarbete med Rojal förlag – och konstnären och bokbindaren Olle Essvik – har själva boken utformats som ett hundratal handgjorda mediearkeologiska objekt, bland annat med bokpärmar som hämtats från kasserade böcker. Varje volym är unik.

Boken kan ses som en samling prövande och öppna essäer, målet är inte att spika upp några teser, utan snarare erbjuda ingångar till mer eller mindre spekulativa samtal om humanioras framtid.





Jeff Olsson
Book 150 * 210 mm, [100] [68 pages] [120 copies]
Pris: 300 sek (


Simon Berg
Book 240 * 205 mm, [62 pages] [100 copies]

Price: 300 sek

The Goldberg variation (Bach clock)

Jesper Norda
Book + usb [sound files] 300 * 210 mm, [20+4 AP] [468 pages]

Price: 1000 sek


The Goldberg variation (Bach clock) is based on Johann Sebastian Bach’s Goldberg variations. But whereas Bach’s version takes around 30 minutes to play from beginning to end, this version is stretched to 12 hours and 25 minutes. Each note in the original score is struck at even intervals, every two seconds. The rythm is evened out, the dynamics are flattened: every sense of musical direction is gone. What remains is a solemn enumeration of all the tones that make up the original piece – a kind of clockwork.






Endless Endtime

Linda Hilfling
Book 180 * 265 mm [Annual edition decided by the number of buyers] [666 pages]

Price: 1000 sek  (sold out)

A collaboration with the Danish artist Linda Hilfing, on a ”complete index of all elements leading to the end of the world”.
In 1999, when the fear of the ”millenium bug” was at its peak, a reader of the christian, conservative magazine End Time, deviced a numerological code, through which the word ”computer” translated to the number 666, thus proving the machine to be a satanic tool for the destruction of our world.
By translating this alogorithm to a generative computer code that sifts through the internet for other ”satanic” elements, Hilfing creates a continuously updating index over such potentially harmful elements.
As indicated by the title, Rojal is bound by a contract with the artist to produce a new edition of this encyclopedia, containing 666 posts, once a year for eternal time.










En bok om en bild

Olle Essvik, Helga Härenstam (red)
Book 180 * 190 mm [48 pages] [160 copies]

Pris: 200 sek

A conceptual collaborative project carried out in two months (from idea to finalised book), August–September 2015, and first presented at the photography book fair Fotobok GBG 15.

The starting point for the book is a single photograph – to which around thirty different writers, poets, journalists, photographers and artists were invited to contribute their own written or visual interpretetion/comment. Those who accepted recieved an e-mail with the photo and an instruction not to spread it.


Catharina Gotby, Anna Lamberg, Erik Östensson, Johan Bergström, Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt, Lovisa Ringborg, Simon Berg, Inka & Niclas Lindergård, Trinidad Carrillo, Ohlsson & Dit-Cilinn, Lotta Törnroth, Tuija Lindström, Lisa Grip, Frida Franker, Rikard Laving, Anna Strand, Robert Eklund, Emma Fredriksson, Lina Haskel, Andreas Gedin, Stefan Ohlsson, Daniel Boyacioglu, Kennet Klemets, Gert Z Nordström, Leif Holmstrand, Mathias Jansson, Jenny Morelli, Tina Carlsson, Lina Hagelbäck, Sara Arvidsson, Thomas Dahl, Rebecka Nordström Graf, Nora Bencivenni, Frida Sandström, Cecilia Grönberg






Art & Game Obstruction
Book. 280 * 220 mm [300 copies] [165 pages]

Price: 140 sek 

Art and Game Obstruction documents an the exhibition of the same name, held at Skövde Art Museum in 2015 as part of a teaching collaboration between Academy Valand in Gothenburg and University of Skövde. The anthology gives the people, who took part in the exhibition, the space to elaborate their views on contemporary art and computer games. The authors range from students and teachers to artist and curators, but what unite them are questions relating to playability and contemporary art. As such the collection of essays gives a unique insight into research and creative practices located at the intersection between art and games.


Participants: Lars Kristensen, Ewa Mazierska , Graeme Kirkpatrick , Lissa Holloway-Attaway, Jenny Brusk, Thomas Oldrell, Olle Essvik , Benjamin Fallon, Robert J. Homewood, Marisa Tapper, Karin Ryding, Mathilda Bjarnehed, Jasmine Idun, Dev Karnal Fridén, Ossian Borén, Jenny Sörensen, Berith Stennabb, Iman Farhanieh and Carlos González Díaz, Minnamari Helmisaari









Sven Drobnitza
Book 110*170 mm (120 copies)
Price: 150 sek  (sold out)

A white book filled with pages that would be completely empty if it wasn’t for the round black ink stain on one of its shorter edges. The stain bleeds into the paper, leaving a unique mark on each page. When the book is read like a flip book the three dimensional stain turns into an animation, a growing and fading image. With the title printed on both sides of the cover the book can be read in both directions: There is no beginning and no end. The process can be repeated until the book falls apart.




Travelogue/In My Pocket

Mari Lagerquist
Book 370 * 290 mm (1 copy) [42 pages]
Price: sold out


On the 19th of September 2012 I travelled to Alexandria, Egypt. 
In my luggage I had a camera and in my pocket a phone.

50 images collected in a book with a form that reminisce old time photography albums, 
family albums - and travelogues. With the book is a text written that tries to connect the images 
with a longer history of travel photography. The text is translated from Swedish to
Arabic by Sausan Rook & Tezt Rooke, and to English by Ulrich Hansen.
The book is donated to the Artists Book collection at the Library of Alexandria, Egypt.






Dödens Engel
J. O. Wallin

Book 150 * 215 mm (30 copies) [40 pages]
Pris: 200 sek (sold out)

The poem Dödens Engel (”The Angel of Death”) was written in 1834, during the first Swedish cholera epidemic, but wasn’t publish until five years later, the same year as the author himself passed away. The poem has since been published in a number of different illustrated editions, the latest in 1917. This edition is a scaled down remake of a publication from 1880, illustrated by Carl Larsson.








The Chance Execution

Olle Essvik
Artist book 110* 140 mm [150 copies]

Price: 150 sek

A book on marbeling, chance, algorithms and end pages. Each book unique with different contents.




The Enemies of Books
William Blades/Olle Essvik

book 125 * 190 mm[200 copies] [23 + 96 p ]

Price: Sold Out

I download the book from the Internet,, Enemies of books, written by William Blades, published in 1881. A book on the decay of books. The enemies of the physical book – fire, water, gas, the bookworm, dirt, bigotry etc. A digitized book with no identity. Black letters on a white background. I buy a copy of the book from 1881. A yellowed, and stained copy. The book bears traces of a former owner, one Dr. Sarolea. Newspaper cuttings on his death and his extensive book collection. I compare the two texts, the original and the digitized copy. Using my computer I create a tool for binding books. I combine and modify traditional tools that have been used for hundreds of years and print out the components on a 3D-printer. The next day I print out another copy of the digitized book, and using the 3D-printed tool I make an exact replica of the book from 1881, in its original design. I construct a manual describing the process and upload the files to the Internet.


This is a description of a project which I begun in 2014 as an artistic development project financed by the University of Gothenburg. A project exploring digitization, human traces and the unique copy, and at the same time an act of resistance against digitization and technology. The outcome of the project was a book, presented together with the tool used to produce it.





Välkomna Finska barn!
Book 700 * 100 mm [28 pages] [unlimited edition]

Price: 100 sek (Sold Out)


Välkomna finska barn! (”Welcome Finnish Children!”) is a remake of a leaflet distributed to the Swedish foster parents of Finnish children who were evacuated to Sweden during the Second World War, containing translations of useful everyday words and phrases.





År med tretton månar

Kenneth Klemets
Book 140 * 205 mm [67 copies] [48 pages]

Price: sold out

Carefully revised limited edition reissue of the rare 1997 debut
collection of poems by the poet Kennet Klemets.





Alla hjärtans dag och andra scener

Helga Härenstam
Book 195 * 155 mm [80 copies] [48 pages]
Price: sold out


Alla hjärtans dag och andra scener documents a project conducted by the artist Helga Härenstam in collaboration with the Vegahusen retirement home. On six Wednesday afternoons in the spring of 2014 the artist met up with a group of residents for a study circle in photography.
The texts in the book are transcriptions from the sound recordings that were made at a few of these gatherings. The images are a mixture of the artist’s own photographs, and photograps taken or brought in by the participants.






Virtuella Utopier

Olle Essvik och Joel Nordqvist
Book 135 mm * 22 mm [500 copies ][181 pages]

Pris: 150 sek

This book is the result of an associative, experimental collaboration. Starting from a collection of quotations – on art and technology in general and art and computers in particular – spanning from the late 19th century until our present time, we move freely between different times, ideas and visions of the future.







Den här datorn

Olle Essvik och Joel Nordvist (red.)
Book 170 * 240 mm, [300 pages] [750 copies]

Price: 150 sek


Den här datorn (”My Computer”) explores the role of the computer on the Swedish art scene from the first personal computers until today. Through long interviews, documents and art works we encounter more than 40 different artists, researchers and curators who have been working with computers and art in Sweden in the past 30 years.


Participating artists: Channa Bankier, Beeoff, Erik Berglin & Clement Valla, Jim Berggren, Donatella Bernardi, Göran Boardy, Thomas Broomé, Beck & Jung, Erik Bünger, Palle Dahlstedt, Leif Elggren, Carl Michael von Hausswolff och Ulf Bilting, Hans Esselius, Goldin + Senneby, Peter Hagdahl, Johannes Heldén & Håkan Jonson, Karin Hansson, Johan Fowelin och Åsa Andersson Broms, Lisa Jevbratt, Ann-Charlotte och Sture Johannesson, Veine Johansson, Geraldine Juaréz, Arijana Kajfes, Stefan Karlsson och Mats Olsson, Anna Kindvall, Tove Kjellmark, Raquel Meyers, Lars Midbøe, Björn Norberg, Ola Pehrson, Piratbyrån, Lina Persson, Jonas Lund, Anna Lundh, Lundahl & Seitl, Syntjuntan, Pär Thörn, Arne Kjell Vikhagen, Lars Vipsjö, Magnus Wallin, Björn Wangen, Magnus Wassborg, Teresa Wennberg, Kristoffer Zetterstrand










Återkomsten- Bilden, Skolan och Samhället 1968 - 2018

Arne Kockum, Bitte Alling Ode och Ulla Lind (red)

Pris: 200 sek

Återkomsten har sin utgångspunkt från händelserna kring 1968 på Konstfack - ett uppror och revolt som kom att bli ett paradigmskifte för den svenska teckningslärarutbildningen. Boken beskriver bildämnets förändring - från revolten 1968 till idag och består av en samling texter och minnen från tiden på Konstfack skriven av forskare, teoretiker, konstnärer och bildlärare.

Medverkande i boken är: Peter Cornell - Folke Hartler - Kersti Hasselberg - Ulf Klarén - Arne Kockum - Thomas Koppfeldt - Britt-Marie Kühlhorn - Liv Merete Nielsen – Stig-Arne Nohrstedt - Gert Z Nordström – Christer Romilson - Pål Rydberg.







Mareld, 2015

Elin Liljeblad
Book 150 * 200 mm [42 pages] [70 copies]

Pris: 150 sek

A group of people walking through the pitch black August night, heading for the sea, hoping to experience the elusive ”mareel”, guided by the sole light of the photographer’s camera flash.